What to Expect

You will find a warm loving Church here at First Baptist of Marble Hill. The members of First Baptist know it is important to fellowship and "devote themselves to meeting together with gladness of heart praising God "(Acts 2:46-47). You will find a traditional worship service on Sunday morning where the congregation knows it is important to "sing to the Lord and bless His Name" (Psalm 96:2). God's Word is lifted up as it is preached because His Word "is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). Come early on Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and fellowship with us prior to Sunday school while we eat donuts and drink coffee. Then Sunday and Wednesday evenings we will gather back together, and study God's Word. Throughout the school year, we meet every Wednesday and have Biblically-based programs such as RAs, GAs, Mission Kids, and Youth.